Mind — Heart — Life
Our scars and muscles have so much to teach us. Life is not filled with glossy, picture-perfect moments. I trip more than I glide, but I’ve learned to cherish those moments and see the refining hand of God. That is where our peace and power lies — in trusting God to hold the good with the bad and not squeezing our fists around either.
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A Decluttered Life, Part 4: Owning Comfort and Control
For a long time, being prepared was one of the main ways that I tried to keep myself safe. There was a part of me that believed I would be okay as long as I thought of all the possible outcomes in life, and prepared myself for them. I found great relief in tangible preparation. Having the physical things that I needed (or thought I needed) was soothing.
Pros and Cons of Living in an RV Full Time — Lessons from a Family of Four
My family and I have been living full-time in our stationary RV for almost three years, loving every minute of it! That doesn’t mean we haven’t navigated more than our share of struggles, but the lessons we have learned and the closeness we have shared more than makes up for the difficulties. Life lessons come in all shapes and sizes, and a lot of ours have come in 340 square feet!
A Decluttered Life, Part 3: The Energy in Porcelain and Paper
Decluttering my life, both inside and out, has been quite the jagged journey. Actually, it feels more like peeling an onion. I’m puling away layer after layer, crying most of the time, and nothing seems to come off cleanly.
Family of 4 Living Full Time in an RV! Simple Living You Can Love!
RV living is amazing. Our time has been a challenge, but worth every moment of struggle. There are many tips and tricks for making the most of RV living, and some of those I will share elsewhere, but this article is really about helping you answer the question of what a family needs to understand — what they need to be ready for overall — if they are going to live full time in an RV.
A Decluttered Life, Part 2: Items and Identity
Accumulation is the norm for a lot of us. We often try to soothe ourselves through what we consume. When I owned certain items or books, I felt that they said something about me. They told the world who I was and what I liked, as if those objects were my credentials.
Do the Hard (but Meaningful) Things: The Importance of Creating Habits and Not Giving Up
The tasks of life are not always easy, and often the most important things in our day are the ones we wish we could ignore. We know they are meaningful, but everything already feels so hard. If you ever feel stuck in that place, like I have many times, there is a simple secret to breaking out. It’s so simple, and yet still tricky.
A Decluttered Life, Part 1: The Re-Examined Life
I brought things into my world to heal it, as I had done as a child. It had barely worked for me in the past and it was certainly not working for me in the present. The items I bought to make myself happy felt more like chains that held me underwater than buoys to keep me afloat.
How to Talk With Your Kids About Halloween — A Guide for Christian Parents
No parent can keep the pain and ugliness of the world out of their child’s eyes and mind. But we can guide their hearts and teach them the ways of God, trusting them to His care and leading.
How To Find Peace When Things Are Changing
The truth is that change can be hard for me, and with this change I am having a difficult time. I am feeling selfish and self-righteous. A very nasty combo.
3 Steps for Trusting God When You’re Afraid: Pregnancy and Prayer
This is not about a feeling but about faith. About strengthening my resolve to trust God and not give place to anxious thoughts about c-sections, medical bills, emergency room trips, and so on. My mind can easily start to do the math, worry if I have made the right decisions so far, and wonder what I should do. But actually, I already know what to do: Pray, surrender, and focus on God.
For the Remnant — An Open Letter to the Women of God
This is for the female remnant, to say that you are not alone. Let us strengthen and cheer each other — the tender, precious women in the body of Christ — and by extension this broken-hearted world we are moving through.