My Story
“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”
—Oswald Chambers
I am a work in progress trying to live more intentionally and focus only on the things that truly matter. I’m someone who often has to learn the hard way, which means I am regularly messing up, asking for forgiveness, and trying again.
But that’s okay! God is full of grace and forgiveness, and luckily so are the dearest people in my life.
I am the mother of a beautiful 6 year old son and a precious baby girl. My son astounds me everyday with his thoughtful questions, persistent stubbornness, and sweet soul. He wakes me in the morning with tiny kisses and sweet songs about how much he loves me (and how much he loves treats, sweets, and cars of course). His songs comparing me to the sweetness of a gummy bear is one of my favorite things!
Learning how to love and guide my children with mercy as well as discipline had really shown me the depths of God’s love for us. Children need to trust their parents for guidance, even when it’s hard, and parents must earn the trust of their children.
I am a wife to a thoughtful, creative husband who loves me and our children deeply. We have been married for 10 years and I have never known a human with such tenderness or willingness to say he was wrong. He is not yet a believer, but I pray diligently for him and hope that my own broken, weak journey will point him toward the Light that sustains us all.
I am a Doctor of Psychology and a Licensed Psychologist. I have worked as a trauma-focused therapist for ten years and have a great appreciation for the skills, tools, and insights I have gained through my work. However, in the past I have relied fully on those skills instead of God. I believe all guidance should come from God and point straight to Christ, not be filtered through man or culture.
Psychological knowledge gives an incomplete picture of humanity that cannot account for the depth of soul and mind created in the image of God, and completely leaves out the internal workings of the Holy Spirit. With Psychology we are left to do it all ourselves, knowing deep inside that we are not fit for the job (as many clients have confessed to me over the years). With God, our own weakness and inefficiency is the key to our freedom. Of course we cannot do it by ourselves, and will never be enough for the job, which is why we are left so desperately exhausted at the end of trying.
Now I share evidence-based skills and tools for intentional, mindful living that is balanced and in-line with the Word of God, not in conflict with it.
I am an introvert and over-thinker. People pleasing and people avoidance has been a lifelong struggle for me. In the past I could easily get too involved in my own head, too lost in a book, video game, or television series, at the expense of my relationship with God and others. I have worked over the years to find more balance and have come a very long way, experiencing way more freedom and joy (Eph 2:1-10).
I have a past that has been painful and broken, but it does not define me. God is greater than any mess we make or trauma we experience. What is helpful in this moment is for us to seek the face and glory of God, pointing our eyes at Him and away from ourselves.
I, like you, am called to look forward, not back. Looking back can be useful, but has its limits. Much of what we experience in this world is best left in the trash heap. Once we go looking for it, we only come back smelling of the dumpster and in need of a wash. Why not let God cleanse us and keep us that way? God is greater than anything we have done or seen, and salvation through Jesus is more than enough to cover us and redeem us from any experience, no matter how wretched (2 Cor 5:17).
I am brokenhearted but always rejoicing. God’s graceful Spirit has torn many veils from my eyes, and I now see the deceptions of this world more clearly than I used to. Those deceptions caused me tremendous pain, as they were intended to, and obscured the fullness of the love of God and the freedom of placing full faith in Him. Yet the joy I experience now, standing in full assurance before God, is something I could not have imagined just a few years ago.
“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.”
— Philippians 3:7