Mind Heart Life 

Our scars and muscles have so much to teach us. Life is not filled with glossy, picture-perfect moments. I trip more than I glide, but I’ve learned to cherish those moments and see the refining hand of God. That is where our peace and power lies — in trusting God to hold the good with the bad and not squeezing our fists around either.


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Strange Pilgrim Strange Pilgrim

3 Steps for Trusting God When You’re Afraid: Pregnancy and Prayer

This is not about a feeling but about faith. About strengthening my resolve to trust God and not give place to anxious thoughts about c-sections, medical bills, emergency room trips, and so on. My mind can easily start to do the math, worry if I have made the right decisions so far, and wonder what I should do. But actually, I already know what to do: Pray, surrender, and focus on God.

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